Today’s Walk in the Word
Be faithful until death. —Revelation 2:10 James and John were brothers. They had much in common: both were apostles; both were members of the threesome closest to Jesus; both were ambitious for privileged positions in the coming kingdom. But the direction their lives took were vastly different. James was the first apostle to die; […]
Read MoreThose who are careful about what they say keep themselves out of trouble. —Proverbs 21:23 I flew into town to speak for the annual fundraising dinner and was met by the director, who was hot under the collar. His board had made a decision that infuriated him. He would […]
Read MoreAsa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord. —2 Chronicles 15:17 When Zerah the Cushite marched against Judah with a vast army, the odds were overwhelming. Nevertheless, Judah’s King Asa knew what to do: call upon God. And that’s what he did: […]
Read More[Lot] was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men. —2 Peter 2:7 Opera singer Jenny Lind (1820-1887), known as the “Swedish Nightingale, was one of the most popular singers of the 19th century. At age twenty-eight, she quit the footlights. Asked why she would give up a lucrative career […]
Read MoreHis heart was not fully devoted to the Lord. —1 Kings 11:4 “They can’t finish!” is a frequent beef when a sports team is on a losing streak. They start strong but sputter to a dismal finish. Churches usually start strong, defined by love, unity, and purpose. But over time, attitudes sometimes change, division […]
Read MorePray continually. —1 Thessalonians 5:17 Amy Carmichael (1867–1951) was born in Northern Ireland in 1867. She spent most of her adult life—from 1895 until her death in 1951—doing mission work in India. Her primary focus was rescuing little girls whose parents were selling them to different gods, turning them into temple prostitutes. Amy didn’t fault […]
Read MoreBe still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. —Psalm 37:7 Exasperated with slow traffic, a San Francisco driver ignored construction cones, swerved into what appeared to be a vacant lane, and hurtled his Porsche 911 into a stretch of wet cement. Impatience can be costly. Definition of split-second: the […]
Read MoreEntirely out of place is obscene, profane, and vulgar talk. —Ephesians 5:4 On January 16, 2003, two-time Emmy winner Patricia Heaton, disgusted by what she described as “an onslaught of lewd jokes and off-color remarks,” walked out of the Annual American Music Awards ceremony in Los Angeles. She said the raw […]
Read MoreI lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. —Psalm 3:5 According to a 2020 Healthline article, sleep deprivation “drains your mental abilities and puts your physical health at real risk.” Some of the results of not getting enough sleep cited by Healthline are […]
Read MoreFirst take the plank out of your own eye. —Matthew 7:5 King David was livid. The prophet Nathan had told him about the despicable act of a rich rancher. When it came time to set the table for a visiting friend, instead of […]
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