Today’s Walk in the Word
Anything you did for even the least of my people here, you also did for me. —Matthew 25:40 When Ludvig Nobel, the older brother of Alfred Nobel, died in 1888, a French journalist mistakenly thought the deceased was Alfred, the inventor of dynamite. He posted a […]
Read MoreI have finished the work you gave me to do. —John 17:4 Warren Buffett, one of the world’s wealthiest humans, applied for admission to Harvard Business School in 1950 but was turned down. He […]
Read MoreAll of you will desert me. —Mark 14:27 Perhaps your Christianity has never been questioned—by anyone but you. But you remember a time when you said, thought, or did something that exposed a weakness. It grieves you. On their walk to Gethsemane, Jesus told his disciples that all of […]
Read MoreA cheerful look brings joy to the heart. —Proverbs 15:30 It costs nothing but is worth much. It can’t be bought, but you can possess it. It enriches those who receive it without making those who give it poorer. It isn’t found in the […]
Read MorePut your house in order, because you are going to die. —2 Kings 20:1 If your doctor said, “You have six months to live, would your priorities change? I’m guessing that every day would be mapped for maximum pleasure and profit. But those words—pleasure and profit—might take on new […]
Read MoreBe faithful until death. —Revelation 2:10 James and John were brothers. They had much in common: both were apostles; both were members of the threesome closest to Jesus; both were ambitious for privileged positions in the coming kingdom. But the direction their lives took were vastly different. James was the first apostle to die; […]
Read MoreThose who are careful about what they say keep themselves out of trouble. —Proverbs 21:23 I flew into town to speak for the annual fundraising dinner and was met by the director, who was hot under the collar. His board had made a decision that infuriated him. He would […]
Read MoreAsa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord. —2 Chronicles 15:17 When Zerah the Cushite marched against Judah with a vast army, the odds were overwhelming. Nevertheless, Judah’s King Asa knew what to do: call upon God. And that’s what he did: […]
Read More[Lot] was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men. —2 Peter 2:7 Opera singer Jenny Lind (1820-1887), known as the “Swedish Nightingale, was one of the most popular singers of the 19th century. At age twenty-eight, she quit the footlights. Asked why she would give up a lucrative career […]
Read MoreHis heart was not fully devoted to the Lord. —1 Kings 11:4 “They can’t finish!” is a frequent beef when a sports team is on a losing streak. They start strong but sputter to a dismal finish. Churches usually start strong, defined by love, unity, and purpose. But over time, attitudes sometimes change, division […]
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