Today’s Walk in the Word
If you do these things, you will never fall. —2 Peter 1:10 Here are two baskets of sevens that you should keep well-stocked in your spiritual pantry. The wisdom that comes from heaven (James 3:17): Pure Peace-loving Considerate Submissive […]
Read MoreI hear a mighty rainstorm coming. —1 Kings 18:41 There hadn’t been a drop of rain in three years, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. But Elijah said, “I hear a mighty rainstorm coming.” God said he would send rain and Elijah […]
Read MoreJesus told his disciples . . . they should always pray and not give up. —Luke 18:1 POW Sgt Carl Peek was incarcerated in a prison camp where the food was wretched, the stench nauseating, and the heat torturous. One day while agonizing over his seemingly […]
Read MoreI will lie down and sleep in peace. —Psalm 4:8 Fear of burglars kept Martha from getting a good night’s sleep. One night she heard a noise, shook her husband awake, and sent him to investigate. He’d been through the drill many times, but […]
Read MoreI will come back and take you to be with me. —John 14:3 You ate at each other’s table, talked over the backyard fence, went places together, and laughed and cried with one another. Then […]
Read MoreI did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom. —1 Corinthians 2:1 William Boyd Carpenter (1841–1918), a Church of England cleric and Queen Victoria’s favorite preacher, was asked if he was nervous when preaching to the Queen. He said he never considered that he was singularly addressing Her Majesty. “Glancing around the Chapel Royal I […]
Read MoreFrom everlasting to everlasting you are God. —Psalm 90:2 Four times in Ezekiel 14, God homes in on Noah, Daniel, and Job as worthy of his praise. It seems like a strange pairing: Noah and Job had […]
Read MoreYou are not under law, but under grace. —Romans 6:14 Modern-day advertising gurus didn’t invent the “What’s in it for me?” strategy. For all his country-boy reputation, John the Baptist, in introducing Jesus to his hearers, said, “From the fullness of his grace […]
Read MoreStand aloof from the counsel of the wicked. —Job 21:16 Happiness doesn’t always come from indulgence; sometimes, it comes from abstinence—not always from what we do, but sometimes from what we don’t do. “Blessed is the man who does […]
Read MoreThen they will know that I am the Lord. —Ezekiel 12:16 “Then they will know that I am the Lord.” This sentence appears sixty-two times in Ezekiel. Sometimes it is a declaration of judgment; at other times, it is a proclamation of mercy. […]
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