Today’s Walk in the Word
Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. —1 John 3:16 American Indians were creative in shielding their settlements from the prairie fires that were common on the frontier. They protected their property by setting fire to the dry grass adjoining their encampments. Fire cannot […]
Read MoreToday, if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart. —Hebrews 3:13 Here are a few things that happened on this day in history: 1848: The women’s suffrage movement was launched in Seneca Falls, New York. 1923: Insulin was introduced as a remedy for Diabetes. 1969: Apollo 11 prepared for the […]
Read MoreThe night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping. —Acts 12:6 Seeing that putting James to death pleased the Jews, the politically savvy Herod Agrippa pegged Peter as his next victim. So, he had him arrested and jailed—bound […]
Read MoreBlessed are all who wait for him. —Isaiah 30:18 You have prayed earnestly. Urgently. Pleadingly. But you have received no response—at least none that you can see. Feel familiar? Don’t quit believing, and don’t stop praying. Delay doesn’t mean denial; presently unanswered doesn’t mean permanently […]
Read MoreIf sinners entice you, do not consent. —Proverbs 1:10 Temptation can’t be escaped, but it can be resisted. James timelines the progression from the initial temptation to spiritual death this way: temptation, enticement, conception, sin, death (Jas 1:14–15). God doesn’t provide a way of escape […]
Read MoreOur God is full of compassion. —Psalm 116:5 When Francis Shaeffer was a college freshman, one of his professors told him, “This is the best philosophy paper I’ve ever read, but it’s the worst spelling. I can’t pass you.” Shaeffer, who couldn’t spell due to severe dyslexia, replied, “Sir, […]
Read More[I] will remember their sins no more. —Hebrews 8:12 In Throw Out Fifty Things, author Gail Blanke gives some “Rules of Disengagement” to clear the clutter from life. The first one is: “If it weighs you down, clogs you up, or just plain makes […]
Read MoreGive thanks to the Lord, for he is good. —Psalm 107:1 I’m not a fan of bumper stickers with political agendas or those that are morally obnoxious. But I am fond of those that make me smile—like these: If things get better […]
Read MoreGuard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. —Proverbs 4:23 The leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease. Someone in this country has a heart attack every forty-two seconds, resulting in 610,000 heart-related deaths per year. If your heart malfunctions, you’re in trouble. Solomon spoke […]
Read MoreLove your neighbor as yourself. —Luke 12:31 Founded in 1995 by former First Lady Laura Bush, the annual Texas Book Festival in Austin is one of the country’s most prestigious literary events. Featuring 300 nationally recognized authors, attendance averages 50,000. One presenter encouraged aspiring authors to “Write […]
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