Today’s Walk in the Word
[Make] the most of every opportunity. —Ephesians 5:16 Would a review of your schedule reveal that you could use your time more productively? On average, Americans spend four hours a day immersed in media entertainment. That’s half as much time as they spend at […]
Read MoreWe will reap a harvest if we do not give up. —Galatians 6:9 In 1519 Hernán Cortés landed in Veracruz, determined to conquer the Aztecs. He ordered that the ships in which his 600 men arrived be burned [or sunk], leaving his army with no possibility of turning back in retreat. Jesus said, “No […]
Read MoreI will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin. —Psalm 39:1 On November 10, 2016, Daniel Fitzpatrick, thirteen, of Staten Island, New York, wrote a heartbreaking letter detailing how he had been taunted and tormented by schoolmates. He then went to the attic of the family home, […]
Read MoreTheir words seemed to them like nonsense. —Luke 24:11 Pessimism is a child of limited perspective. We must look beyond local circumstances and temporary conditions to catch a vision of victory. No one can be trusted as a […]
Read MoreThey were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. —Acts 9:26 Charles Colson died on April 21, 2012. A Washington Post headline blared: “Charles Colson, Nixon’s ‘dirty tricks’ man, dies at 80.” […]
Read MoreMan looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. —1 Samuel 16:7 All the houses looked pretty much the same—it was a cookie-cutter neighborhood. There were “For Sale” signs in several yards. But the one that caught my eye had an attachment that announced, “I’m […]
Read MoreDeclare his glory among the nations. —Psalm 96:3 On November 13, 2010, shoppers who were having lunch in the food court at Seaway Mall near Niagara Falls were suddenly surprised when out of the blue, a young woman stood and started singing the […]
Read MoreBe still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. —Psalm 37:7 Try these “wait” verses on for size. You’ll find one that fits. “Wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you” (Prv 20:22). “The Lord longs to be gracious to you . . . Blessed are all who wait […]
Read More[God] gave him the name that is above every name. —Philippians 2:9 Eighteen-month-old Andrea—along with her parents—spent a week in Louisville, Kentucky, with her grandparents. When they returned to their Oklahoma home, Andrea kept joyfully saying, “Kentucky, Kentucky, Kentucky.” There was something about that name that impressed the child. “Kentucky, Kentucky, Kentucky.” It […]
Read MoreServe one another with whatever gift each of you has received. —1 Peter 4:10 Mother Teresa spent fifty years ministering to the poor, orphaned, sick, and dying in Calcutta. British journalist Malcolm Muggeridge had numerous interviews with Teresa, and when she died in 1997, Muggeridge said, “I never met anyone more memorable” […]
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