Today’s Walk in the Word
[I] will remember their sins no more. —Hebrews 8:12 Contrast these two statements: “Those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins” (Heb 10:3). “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more” (Heb 10:17). Under the old law, there was an annual reminder […]
Read MoreYou will call, and the Lord will answer. —Isaiah 58:9 The advent of email blew me away. I was used to posting a letter with USPS and waiting weeks for delivery and response. Now, I could post from my keyboard instantly. […]
Read MoreThere is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. —Luke 15:10 You may not know much about angels, but angels know a lot about you. Remember the day you decided that doing-it-my-way wasn’t working and decided to […]
Read MoreHis incomparably great power for us who believe. —Ephesians 1:19 You don’t have to live in the dark. Power is available to light up your life. Paul writes of the awesome power you have, which may have escaped your attention. He prays “that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that […]
Read MoreYou shall name him Jesus. —Matthew 1:21 Parents-to-be give serious thought to the name of their baby-to-be. The baby’s name isn’t a trivial tag. It establishes an identity that will follow the child from the cradle to the grave—and beyond. Mary and Joseph weren’t asked what their baby’s name would […]
Read MoreUnto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. —Luke 2:11 In 1739, Charles Wesley wrote the lyrics to Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. In 1753, Wesley’s friend, George Whitefield, altered […]
Read MoreWe have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. —Matthew 2:2 Charles Schulz’s A Charlie Brown Christmas made its television debut on December 9, 1965. Fearing that quoting the Bible would offend some viewers, network officials asked Schulz to omit the “Christmas story.” Schulz […]
Read MoreOn earth peace, goodwill toward men. —Luke 2:14 Edmund Sears was depressed. The United States and Mexico were struggling in the aftermath of the Mexican-American War (1846–1848). And Europe was staggering under the weight of the numerous revolutions of 1848. It seemed to […]
Read MoreYou will find a baby lying in a manger. —Luke 2:12 Walking to his one-room apartment after a midnight Christmas Eve service in New York City in 1934, Robert MacGimsey passed the open door of a pub. The raucous swearing was, he […]
Read MoreToday, if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart. —Hebrews 4:7 God singled out Moses and saddled him with a heavy mission: “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” (Ex 3:10). God singled out Saul and saddled him with a distasteful […]
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