Today’s Walk in the Word
Teach us to number our days. —Psalm 90:12 When I asked an octogenarian how he was feeling, he said, “I feel good, except for the parts that hurt.” As we grow older and realize that this machine we live in has a lot of miles on it, […]
Read MoreDo you love me? —John 21:16 Nearly a century has passed since Roy Riegels scooped up a Georgia Tech fumble in the 1929 Rose Bowl and ran sixty-five disoriented yards toward his own goal. For the rest of his life, he was saddled with the nametag “Wrong Way Riegels.” I suspect that if you […]
Read MoreGod is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. —Psalm 46:1 When the San Jose gold and copper mine in Chile collapsed on August 5, 2010, thirty-three miners were trapped 2,300 feet underground, seemingly doomed to slow death. But on October 13, sixty-nine days […]
Read MoreSearch me, O God, and know my heart. —Psalm 139:23 Lord God, Stand between me and any obstacle that will interfere with my walk with you. Deliver me from any word or act that you cannot bless, that I may live for you without disgrace or guilt. Motivate me to seek your guidance in every […]
Read MoreWe love him because he first loved us. —1 John 4:19 Loving Father, Keep my vision centered on Jesus: on the cradle of his birth, the garden of his agony, the cross of his suffering, the tomb of his resurrection, the […]
Read MoreLet us come before him with thanksgiving. —Psalm 95:2 Most generous Father, Accept my thanks for the measure of health I enjoy, the sheltering comfort of home, the sufficiency of food and clothing, the continuance of mental alertness, the blessings […]
Read MoreBy grace you have been saved, through faith. —Ephesians 2:8 Dear God of grace, The expanse between what I receive and what I deserve is wider than the ocean. I receive eternal life, but that is not what I deserve. […]
Read MoreBy the grace of God I am what I am. —1 Corinthians 15:10 Lord God, You have made me all that I am and given me all that I have. I have no worthiness or compensating works to offer in exchange for your grace. All I […]
Read MoreWhen I surveyed all . . . I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless. —Ecclesiastes 2:11 Ecclesiastes 6 profiles two men who have wealth but don’t have God. The first is super successful: “[He] lacks nothing his heart desires”—at least nothing that money can […]
Read MoreDo you see this woman? —Luke 7:44 As Jesus reclined at the table in the house of Simon the Pharisee, the tears of a woman of soiled reputation fell on his feet. She dried them with her hair and anointed his feet from a flask of perfume. The host viewed […]
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