Today’s Walk in the Word
Fools despise wisdom and discipline. —Proverbs 1:7 The Bible records only one instance where God called a man a fool (Lk 12:20). However, there are numerous references to the traits of fools. Some refer to disposition Quarrelsome: “Every fool is quick to quarrel” […]
Read MoreLet us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. —Hebrews 12:1 Do you have any unfinished projects on your to-do list? My aim isn’t to shame you for not finishing what you started—some ventures aren’t worth finishing. I only want to encourage you to finish the most important […]
Read MoreDo not worry about tomorrow. —Matthew 6:34 “Do not worry about your life” (Mt 6:25). “Do not worry about tomorrow” (Mt 6:34). When you read these words of Jesus, do you begin to worry about being worried? Jesus didn’t condemn concern, he rebuked a mindset that disregards God. In […]
Read MoreWhat are they among so many? —John 6:9 “[Jesus] was moved with compassion for them” (Mt 14:14)—that is, for the hungry multitude. His disciples didn’t share his concern. They only saw a bunch of hungry people a long way from home. “Send them […]
Read MoreHeal me, O Lord, and I will be healed. —Jeremiah 17:14 The sickness of sin takes many forms: the fever of lust, the virus of greed, the infection of gossip and slander. Whatever the form, the result is the same—without treatment, we die. Our only […]
Read MoreWhen it was time for Elizabeth to have her baby, she gave birth to a son. —Luke 1:57 Do you think most people are more capable and more important than you? Don’t see yourself as a five-star talent? Just ordinary? I appreciate your […]
Read MoreMy grace is sufficient for you. —2 Corinthians 12:9 “Judy was diagnosed with terminal cancer Friday. Six months, maybe less.” That email message knocked the breath out of me. I prayed, “Please Lord, not Judy.” I picked up my phone and punched in their number, not knowing what to say. I’ve known […]
Read MoreDavid found strength in the Lord his God. —1 Samuel 30:6 How do you find strength to go on when circumstances are devastating? One day when David and his warriors returned to their little hometown of Ziklag, they found it had been raided […]
Read MoreHe persevered because he saw him who is invisible. —Hebrews 11:27 I’m impressed and inspired by two words that Hebrews uses to describe Moses: “he persevered.” The King James has it, “he endured.” Moses had times of discouragement, even complaint. To name just a few: The defiance of the Israelites who […]
Read MoreBefore I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. —Jeremiah 1:5 We tend to evaluate the worth of people by what they have and what they do—and our own worth by how […]
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