Today’s Walk in the Word
Even the wind and the waves obey him. —Mark 4:41 It’s nearly noon as I write these words, but outside my window it’s dark as night. Rain is torrential, streets are flooding, there’s been a tornado citing—and there’s nothing I can do to […]
Read MoreWhoever has ears to hear, let them hear. —Luke 8:8 Luke 8:5–8 records Jesus’ Parable of the Sower; and verses 11–15 explain its meaning. The parable pictures the four kinds of soil on which the seed—the Word of God—falls: the unresponsive heart […]
Read MoreThere was no room for them in the inn. —Luke 2:7 The trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem was arduous for pregnant Mary and anxious Joseph. When Joseph sought lodging in the inn, he was turned away. The innkeeper […]
Read MoreToday you will be with me in paradise. —Luke 23:43 Caught. Convicted. Crucified. This thug was getting what he deserved (Lk 23:41). He deserved no mercy. But when he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom,” Jesus said, “Today you will […]
Read MoreAs surely as the sun rises, he will appear. —Hosea 6:3 “The soul of many a man has its eastward aspect,” wrote F.W. Boreham. Boreham explained that most people experience long, dreary nights in life. And when they do, they turn […]
Read MoreThey did not know what he was talking about. —Luke 18:34 When Jesus said that he would suffer and die in Jerusalem, Peter responded, “Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you” (Mt 16:21–22). Jesus repeatedly […]
Read MoreYou are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. —1 Corinthians 12:27 The cashier in the convenience store heard the kid speaking on his phone. “Sir, could you use an honest, hardworking young man to work for you?” Then heard him say, “Oh, […]
Read MoreForgetting what is behind. —Philippians 3:13 A nothing-but-net three-pointer. A fingertip touchdown catch. Don’t fret if you missed seeing the play. It’ll be back—again and again on instant replay. You know what instant replay is like, don’t you? You blurted hurtful words in anger. You gave in to temptation. If you had […]
Read MoreWhoever walks in integrity walks securely. —Proverbs 10:9 Joseph had character. Whether supervising workers, handling large amounts of money, or overseeing the house of temptress Mrs. Potiphar, Joseph could be trusted. Daniel had character. Jealous co-administrators “tried to find grounds for charges against him in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to […]
Read MoreIf we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it. —Daniel 3:17 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew that God was able to save them but didn’t know if he would. “But […]
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