Today’s Walk in the Word

I Don’t Know What to Do

By Joe Barnett / June 9, 2014 / Comments Off on I Don’t Know What to Do

We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you. —2 Chronicles 20:12 Hitler’s minions were put in charge of the German Protestant Reich Church in 1933 by rigged election. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a brilliant young theologian, vocally opposed the Nazi regime—a losing battle in the sense that he was imprisoned in 1943 […]

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By Joe Barnett / June 6, 2014 / Comments Off on Begin

Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you.                                    —1 Chronicles 22:16 There is something you need to do, right? You intend to do it, and have been promising yourself that you will. But you haven’t. Why? […]

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Thank You

By Joe Barnett / June 5, 2014 / Comments Off on Thank You

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.                       —1 Chronicles 16:34 A mannerly child is lovely, but every parent knows that it takes a lot of teaching and training to produce one. When something nice has been done or something good has been […]

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Six Months to Live

By Joe Barnett / June 4, 2014 / Comments Off on Six Months to Live

Put your house in order,because you are going to die.                                                           —2 Kings 20:1 If your doctor said, “You have six months to live,” would your priorities […]

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Finish Strong

By Joe Barnett / June 3, 2014 / Comments Off on Finish Strong

His heart was not fully devoted to the Lord.                                         —1 Kings 11:4 “They can’t finish!” is a frequent beef when a sports team is on a losing streak. They start strong, but sputter to a […]

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Blurred Vision

By Joe Barnett / June 2, 2014 / Comments Off on Blurred Vision

You are the man! —2 Samuel 12:7 David was livid. Nathan had just told him about the despicable act of a rich rancher. Instead of butchering one of his hundreds of head of livestock, when it came time to set the table for a visiting friend he climbed the fence and stole the only lamb […]

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By Joe Barnett / May 30, 2014 / Comments Off on Underdog

The battle is the Lord’s. —1 Samuel 17:47 Once upon a time a shepherd boy with a sling and five rocks faced-off with a giant. You’re not jumping to the end of this entry to see what happened, because you already know. It’s a well-known story about a nearly-unarmed, nearly-naked kid taking on a nine-foot, […]

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By Joe Barnett / May 29, 2014 / Comments Off on Attack

This day the Lord will hand you over to me.                                  —1 Samuel 17:46 If David had known that for thousands of years he would be praised as a hero for his skirmish with Goliath, he would have protested—because the […]

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Little Rock, Big God

By Joe Barnett / May 28, 2014 / Comments Off on Little Rock, Big God

I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty.                                                    —1 Samuel 17:45 Eighty times—every morning and every evening for 40 days—the giant Goliath strutted into the valley and […]

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Judging by the Superficial

By Joe Barnett / May 27, 2014 / Comments Off on Judging by the Superficial

Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.              —1 Samuel 16:7 Physical beauty isn’t a vice, but it is a danger—to both the one who has it and to the one who observes it. The one who has it is susceptible to arrogance and […]

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