Today’s Walk in the Word

What God Wants

By Joe Barnett / August 4, 2014 / Comments Off on What God Wants

How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?        —Psalm 116:12 “God is so good / God is so good / God is so good / He’s so good to me.” So go the opening lyrics of Velna Ledin’s 1933 hymn. The psalmist mused, “How can I repay him […]

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He Still Stops Storms

By Joe Barnett / August 1, 2014 / Comments Off on He Still Stops Storms

He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.                  —Psalm 107:29 The storm was ferocious, thrashing their boat with life-threatening fury. The disciples were terrified. Jesus was sound asleep. How could he snooze when their lives were in jeopardy? “Don’t you care […]

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Judge Justly and Fairly

By Joe Barnett / July 31, 2014 / Comments Off on Judge Justly and Fairly

Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right.                      —Psalm 106:3 “Do not pervert justice … judge your neighbor fairly” (Lev. 19:15). Suspicion is not a just and fair basis for judgment. Accusation is not a just and fair basis for judgment. […]

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Count Your Blessings

By Joe Barnett / July 30, 2014 / Comments Off on Count Your Blessings

Give thanks to him and praise his name.                                  —Psalm 100:4 We live in a nation that births and applauds the indomitable spirit—a nation that nurtures the conviction that no matter where you are, there is no limit to where […]

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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

By Joe Barnett / July 29, 2014 / Comments Off on Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Let us come before him with thanksgiving.                                     —Psalm 95:2 Paul advises us to season our prayers with thanksgiving: “… by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Phil. 4:6). A dominant attitude eliminates a […]

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It’s Your Choice

By Joe Barnett / July 28, 2014 / Comments Off on It’s Your Choice

How great are your works, O Lord.                          —Psalm 92:5 Today you can complain about the weather, or be grateful that you have shelter. Today you can complain about financial strains, or be grateful that you have food and clothes. Today you can complain […]

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By Joe Barnett / July 25, 2014 / Comments Off on Trust

He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.           —Psalm 91:2 Do you demand that God meet your expectations, justify your faith, earn your loyalty? In other words, do you dictate the terms of the relationship—what he must do to win your trust? Trust doesn’t dictate […]

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It’s Not Too Late

By Joe Barnett / July 24, 2014 / Comments Off on It’s Not Too Late

Teach us to number our days.               —Psalm 90:12 It’s your choice: you can use your days selfishly or selflessly; you can use them growing bitter or getting better. A glance at the number of pages left on your calendar may signal that it’s too late to train for […]

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Yesterdays and Tomorrows

By Joe Barnett / July 23, 2014 / Comments Off on Yesterdays and Tomorrows

The length of our days is seventy years— or eighty, if we have the strength.                  —Psalm 90:10 When you were a child it seemed like forever from one Christmas to the next. Now it seems that the decorations are barely boxed until it’s time to drag them […]

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Secret Sins

By Joe Barnett / July 22, 2014 / Comments Off on Secret Sins

You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.                                     —Psalm 90:8 Wherever and whenever you are reading this, there is scandal in the news. It may involve a big shot […]

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