Today’s Walk in the Word
When evening came, he was there alone. —Matthew 14:23 Moses was alone when God spoke to him (Exod. 3:1-5). Joshua was alone when God commissioned him (Josh. 1:1-5). Gideon was alone when God recruited him (Judg. 6:11-12). Cornelius was alone when God charged […]
Read MoreWhoever does the will of my Father … is my brother and sister and mother. —Matthew 13:50 “Blood is thicker than water” goes the old German proverb. It doesn’t get much better than being part of a family whose greatest joy is being together. It didn’t work […]
Read MoreEven the very hairs of your head are all numbered. —Matthew 10:30 God knows everything about you. Everything. Your shoe size. Your favorite color. Your blood pressure. The color of your eyes. The shape of your nose. The number […]
Read MoreBe as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. —Matthew 10:16 The serpent is the logo of the evil spirit; the dove the logo of the Holy Spirit. As strange as it seems, […]
Read MoreTwo blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” —Matthew 9:27 Here is a trio of verses that display the compassion of Jesus: He had compassion on them and healed their sick (Matt. 14:14). Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his […]
Read MoreWithout warning, a furious storm came up on the lake. —Matthew 8:24 When a hurricane makes landfall, an earthquake rearranges the furniture, or a tornado hurls bullet-speed shards of glass, you’re a hostage of Mother Nature. You are equally helpless when personal storms waylay you. The biopsy is positive. Your son […]
Read MoreIt will be done just as you believed it would. —Matthew 8:13 A Roman army officer—as unlikely a believer as you’ll find—asked Jesus to heal his servant. “I will go and heal him,” Jesus said. “Lord,” he responded, […]
Read MoreThe winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. —Matthew 7:25 Disappointment and despair come at you with hurricane force, packing a devastating punch. […]
Read MoreDo to others what you would have them do to you. —Matthew 7:12 This is one of those verses that most everyone knows—and that most everyone turns a deaf ear to in practice. It is one of […]
Read MoreAsk and it will be given to you. —Matthew 7:7 Jack LeVein asked Sir Winston Churchill, “Why did you choose me to be your film biographer?” “No one else asked me,” answered the Prime Minister. Can you imagine? Only one person asked for the privilege of filming the […]
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