Today’s Walk in the Word

What Kind of Person Am I?

By Joe Barnett / December 22, 2014 / Comments Off on What Kind of Person Am I?

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?                                       —Matthew 7:3 It doesn’t take the intelligence of a turnip to see […]

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Grumble Tone

By Joe Barnett / December 19, 2014 / Comments Off on Grumble Tone

In the same way you judge others, you will be judged.       —Matthew 7:2 Neither Moses nor God could do anything right—every discomfort was their fault and sent the Israelites into grumbling tantrums. And the church barely got its legs before there was grumbling that some of the widows weren’t getting a fair […]

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Drop the Gavel

By Joe Barnett / December 18, 2014 / Comments Off on Drop the Gavel

Do not judge, or you too will be judged.                            —Matthew 7:1 There are two reasons we should take a pass on judging others. First, we don’t know enough to judge. Unless we have all the facts (which we never do), and the […]

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Doubling Your Trouble

By Joe Barnett / December 17, 2014 / Comments Off on Doubling Your Trouble

Do not worry about tomorrow.               —Matthew 6:34 “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Jesus asked (Matt. 6:27). The answer is obvious, right? What does worry accomplish? Nothing. Well, that’s not quite right—there are a few things that worry can do […]

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Idolatry in Camouflage

By Joe Barnett / December 16, 2014 / Comments Off on Idolatry in Camouflage

Do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?”                                   —Matthew 6:31 Jesus said, “You cannot serve both God and Money” (Matt. 6:24). Are we trying to live with one […]

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You Already Know the End of the Story

By Joe Barnett / December 15, 2014 / Comments Off on You Already Know the End of the Story

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?          —Matthew 6:27 “Do not worry about anything,” Paul wrote (Phil. 4:6). Just before that he had written, “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Then, in case we missed it, he added, “I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4). […]

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A Simple Solution to Worry

By Joe Barnett / December 12, 2014 / Comments Off on A Simple Solution to Worry

Do not worry about your life.              —Matthew 6:25 What was your main worry twenty years ago? Ten years ago? One year ago? Don’t remember? Even if you do, it’s probably not the same thing that’s needling you now. What happened to the worry that had your heart racing and […]

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You Can’t Serve Both

By Joe Barnett / December 11, 2014 / Comments Off on You Can’t Serve Both

You cannot serve both God and Money.                      —Matthew 6:24 Satan hasn’t met much resistance in enticing us to worship money. Our self-image is linked to our assets. So is our evaluation of others. We measure their worth by their possessions: the size of their house, […]

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Your Major Investment Decision

By Joe Barnett / December 10, 2014 / Comments Off on Your Major Investment Decision

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.         —Matthew 6:21 Here is the shortest course on investment decisions ever presented: “No one can serve two masters … You cannot serve both God and Money” (Matt. 6:24). It isn’t a course that we send our children to the university to […]

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Shortcut to Forgiveness

By Joe Barnett / December 9, 2014 / Comments Off on Shortcut to Forgiveness

If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.                  —Matthew 6:15 General James Oglethorpe was infuriated by an abrasive comment made by one of his comrades. When he later apologized and asked forgiveness, Oglethorpe snapped, “I never forgive!” “Then I hope,” […]

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