Today’s Walk in the Word

Two Important Days

By Joe Barnett / March 27, 2015 / Comments Off on Two Important Days

On the first day of the week we came together to break bread.                    —Acts 20:7 Have you noticed that an increasing number of calendars, especially the week-at-a-glance genre, start the week with Monday rather than Sunday? God gave preeminence to two days of the week—the first […]

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The Gift of Encouragement

By Joe Barnett / March 26, 2015 / Comments Off on The Gift of Encouragement

When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples.              —Acts 9:26 Paul wasn’t welcome in Jerusalem. Christians were scared of him, convinced that his reported conversion was a hoax. Barnabas was the only person who believed his story and went to bat for him. It was also […]

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Do What You Can

By Joe Barnett / March 25, 2015 / Comments Off on Do What You Can

His followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall.                             —Acts 9:25 Infuriated by his conversion, a gang of Damascus fanatics plotted to assassinate Paul. They posted around-the-clock lookouts by the city gates, […]

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Non-Negotiable Allegiance

By Joe Barnett / March 24, 2015 / Comments Off on Non-Negotiable Allegiance

We must obey God rather than men!                           —Acts 5:29 It is beneficial to be physically strong, but it is crucial to be strong in principles, morals, and allegiance. Be certain that your allegiance to God is non-negotiable. In a world of confusion, […]

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What’s Your Nickname?

By Joe Barnett / March 23, 2015 / Comments Off on What’s Your Nickname?

Joseph … whom the apostles called Barnabas.                                      —Acts 4:36 A nickname usually emphasizes a conspicuous feature. “Hey Red.” “How’s it goin’ Slim?” “Hi Lefty.” His name was Joseph, but you don’t know him by that name. You […]

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Faithfulness and Failure

By Joe Barnett / March 20, 2015 / Comments Off on Faithfulness and Failure

Simon son of John, do you love me?                      —John 21:17 Many a sermon has hammered Peter for his failures. He sank like a rock when fear trumped faith in his water-walking fiasco. He denied friendship with Jesus three times during the Caiaphas trial. Flip side. […]

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You Are an Original

By Joe Barnett / March 19, 2015 / Comments Off on You Are an Original

You did not choose me, but I chose you.                           —John 15:16 31/100 is a notation indicating that the item belongs to a limited edition. Like this. A famous artist creates an original painting; 100 prints of that piece are produced under his […]

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Jesus Loves Me

By Joe Barnett / March 18, 2015 / Comments Off on Jesus Loves Me

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.                      —John 15:13 Jesus loves me! This I know, / For the Bible tells me so. / Little ones to Him belong; / They are weak, but He is strong. […]

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His Promise of Peace

By Joe Barnett / March 17, 2015 / Comments Off on His Promise of Peace

My peace I give you … Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.                        —John 14:27 The peace Jesus gives is not exemption from life’s storms, but serenity when navigating those storms—an inner peace that nothing the world throws at […]

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The Prepositional Christ

By Joe Barnett / March 16, 2015 / Comments Off on The Prepositional Christ

You are in me, and I am in you.                   —John 14:20 Remember television before remote control? To turn it on or off, change channels, or adjust volume you got some exercise—took a walk to the set, punched buttons and turned knobs. Now you move only your […]

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