Today’s Walk in the Word
She watches over the affairs of her household. —Proverbs 31:27 Each year, on the second Sunday in May, we celebrate Mother’s Day. The most uncomfortable people on that day are mothers—both young and old—for mothers always feel overwhelmed and underqualified. There are some things you would do differently if you had a second chance. But […]
Read MoreHer children arise and call her blessed. —Proverbs 31:28 Marsha was washing dinner dishes and chatting with a neighborhood friend when her young son came in with a picture in his hand. Tugging on her skirt, he pointed to the picture and asked a question. Marsha […]
Read MoreApproach the throne of grace with boldness. —Hebrews 4:16 Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem for the last time, where he would be mocked, insulted, spit on, flogged, and killed. If that were you, would you have any interest in someone else’s problem? Suddenly, a blind beggar shouted, “Jesus, have mercy on me!” […]
Read MorePlease excuse me. —Luke 14:18 We’ve been invited to a banquet—not just any banquet, but “the feast in the kingdom of God” (Lk 13:29; Rv 19:9). We’ve sent our RSVP saying we’ll be there. Will we? Someone said: “Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God” (Lk […]
Read MoreThis is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. —1 John 5:4 Jesus didn’t praise people for their educational achievement, their stage skills, their musical mastery, their athletic ability, or their business brilliance. But he did praise people for their faith. “I have not found anyone in Israel with […]
Read MoreMake every effort to add to your faith. —2 Peter 1:5 The apostle Peter opens his second letter with the assurance that God “has given us everything we need for life and godliness” (2 Pt 1:3). He then lists eight traits, and says, “If you […]
Read More[God] will not forget your work and the love you have shown. —Hebrews 6:10 Here on my desk is a quickly-jotted list of the names of a dozen people—excluding relatives—who have had a life-changing influence on me. It includes my first-grade teacher, an elder in my boyhood church, and an always-encouraging elderly widow […]
Read MoreDon’t let your heart be troubled. —John 14:1 Do you sometimes feel like you’re getting a lifetime of trouble dumped on you all in one day? That’s when you need to get your gaze on Jesus. Heaven is real, and he’s gone there to prepare a place for you (Jn […]
Read MoreJesus got up and went to a place where he could be alone and pray. —Mark 1:35 They snoozed while Jesus prayed: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mk 1:35). He […]
Read MoreWe are the aroma of Christ. —2 Corinthians 2:15 Bread salesman. That was my first job. I was seven years old. I pulled my wagon to the bakery on Saturday mornings, loaded up, and went door-to-door in my neighborhood, selling freshly-baked bread for 7¢ per loaf. The Old Testament frequently speaks of sacrifices that sent […]
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