Today’s Walk in the Word
Ears that hear and eyes that see— the Lord has made them both. —Proverbs 20:12 B.R. was a great guy and a super-successful businessman. Misjudging his seeming focus on the lesson, I called on him to comment, yanking him out of a coma-like state. Embarrassed, he said, “Joe, I’m so […]
Read MoreWe have different gifts, according to the grace given us. —Romans 12:6 With two sons in the military in World War II, Vesta Stoudt went to work in the Green River Ordnance Plant in Illinois, packing ammunition boxes. The boxes were sealed with paper tape that frequently tore, […]
Read MoreGive special attention to those who are in the family of believers. —Galatians 6:10 Sensitive souls from a Fresno, California, church were distributing food to residents of a low-income apartment complex. As they unpacked a generous supply of groceries in an elderly lady’s apartment, Jenna sneaked a peek in […]
Read More[You have] an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. —1 Peter 1:4 According to AARP research, forty-nine percent of Americans cite running out of money as their chief retirement concern. Planning for retirement is a good idea. Planning for beyond-retirement is an even better idea. In Revelation, […]
Read MoreGod saw all that he had made, and it was very good. —Genesis 1:31 Edward Abbey worked two summers as a park ranger at what is now known as Arches National Park, near Moab, Utah. Out of that experience, he wrote the book, Desert Solitaire, deemed one of the […]
Read MoreI plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. —Philippians 4:2 On April 9, 1865, Brigadier General Joshua Chamberlain positioned Union soldiers on both sides of the road the conquered Confederate army would be traveling to surrender their arms […]
Read MoreBy this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. —John 13:35 It challenges credibility to imagine Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz being on the same team and playing nice. Only a compelling passion for a cause bigger […]
Read MoreTake hold of . . . Christ . . . [who] . . .took hold of me. —Philippians 3:12 In 1856, renowned London pulpiteer Charles Spurgeon founded a college to train men for the ministry. The Spurgeon College crest shows a hand grasping a cross and the Latin words, Et Teneo, Et Teneor, […]
Read MoreIf the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. —John 8:36 When Jim escorts visitors through the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force near Savannah, Georgia, he always describes the euphoric joy he and his fellow World War II prisoners-of-war experienced the day they were set free. In […]
Read MoreEach one of you also must love his wife . . . and the wife must respect her husband. —Ephesians 5:33 On September 2, 2016, Lawrence Ripple handed a note to a Kansas City bank teller: it said he had a gun and he wanted cash. […]
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