Today’s Walk in the Word
Give me neither poverty nor riches. —Proverbs 30:8 Ernie was rich. “Wealth scares me,” he said. He cited Luke 18:25, the Lord’s warning about it being hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God; and Luke 16:19ff, the story of the rich man and […]
Read MoreDo you really think you can find someone or something to compare to Me? —Isaiah 40:25 I watched as hundreds of handsome youngsters swarmed out of Klein High School as the school day ended—all of them, it seemed, staring […]
Read MoreWhen I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. —1 Corinthians 13:11 When your friends have a new baby they send you pictures, right? If not, the grandparents will. The baby is beautiful, but have you noticed that unless she’s sleeping, she’s crying? There’s no such thing as a “minor […]
Read MoreThe wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways. —Proverbs 14:8 By now I should have learned these two things: 1) I can’t control the attitude of another person; 2) I am the only person who can control mine. Sarah Trimmer believes her happiness is her responsibility. […]
Read MoreYour ways [are not] my ways. —Isaiah 55:8 Naaman was the big shot Syrian Army commander. He had a chestful of medals. He also had leprosy. His wife’s servant girl said there was a prophet in Samaria who could cure him. So off he went, with […]
Read MoreFor them to hear about the Lord, someone must tell them. —Romans 10:14 William Carey, widely recognized as “the father of modern missions,” went to India in 1793, and spent the rest of his life there, translating scripture and founding the first degree-granting theological university in that country. When Carey felt called to […]
Read MoreHis divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness. —2 Peter 1:3 Father, Son, and Spirit are great givers. For an exhilarating experience, read through your New Testament and highlight the gifts of the Holy […]
Read MoreLet your conversation be gracious. —Colossians 4:6 Four-star General Peter Chiarelli, Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, attended a formal White House dinner in dress uniform. A senior advisor to President George W. Bush mistook the general for a waiter and asked him to get […]
Read MoreI confessed my sins to you. —Psalm 32:5 The St. Olaf Choir, a 75-voice a cappella choir in Northfield, Minnesota, has been producing beautiful music for more than a century (since 1912), performing in venues around the world. Choir members exercise strict self-discipline: when someone makes a mistake […]
Read MoreInvite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. —Luke 14:13 The media that invade my space display our culture’s value system: if you’re good looking, you’re valuable; if you’re productive, you’re valuable. Runway-model gorgeous. CEO of the Year. Hall of Fame nominee. It’s all about appearance and performance. Tough […]
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