Today’s Walk in the Word
A man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. —Isaiah 53:3 Portrait artist, Robert Henkes, wrote: “A portrait is not a photograph, nor is it a mirror image.” A portrait, he explained, goes beyond the outer appearance “to capture what the person is really about.” The first portrait I […]
Read MoreYou do not know what a day may bring. —Proverbs 27:1 Hilary Lunke was a professional golfer. But in 115 LPGA Tour starts, her first—and only—win was on July 7, 2003, when, against all odds, she won the U.S. Women’s […]
Read MoreThough he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor. —2 Corinthians 8:9 Police reporter Jacob Riis worked the impoverished ghettos of New York City. His personal experience of poverty—surviving on scavenged food and sleeping in foul-smelling public areas—combined with his observation of the poor in the city slums, led him […]
Read MoreBeing cheerful keeps you healthy. —Proverbs 17:22 In an analysis of 229,391 participants, cardiologist Dr. Alan Rozanski and colleagues found that optimists were much less likely to have a heart attack than pessimists—and had a lower mortality rate from any cause. Health columnist Jane Brody suggests assessing […]
Read MoreIt is this Good News that saves you. —1 Corinthians 15:2 Gospel means—and is—“Good News.” But before there is good news, there is bad news. The bad news is that we are sinners: transgressors and trespassers; derelicts and deadbeats; reprobates and renegades; frauds and phonies. No one […]
Read MoreEven in old age they will still produce fruit. —Psalm 92:14 In Illinois, citizens 87-and-older are required to take a driving test every year to keep their driver’s license. Lois Paulson passed hers with flying colors. She’s 105. “I […]
Read MoreDo not think of yourself more highly than you ought. —Romans 12:3 A significant portion of my time is spent working with words. So, when I read, I notice misteaks in grammar and spelling. (Caught it, didn’t you?) My judgmental reaction is to frown when I spot composition […]
Read MoreExamine me and know my heart. —Psalm 139:23 Thurman refused to have physical exams—said if something was threatening, he didn’t want to know about it. He’s no longer with us. I have several friends who bought the farm sooner than they had to. They weren’t opposed […]
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