Today’s Walk in the Word
I trust in your word. —Psalm 119:42 At 5 a.m. on July 17, 1938, Douglas Corrigan lifted off in a beat-up plane in New York City, destined for Los Angeles on a nonstop solo flight across America. Twenty-eight hours later, he landed—in Dublin, Ireland. Crawling out of his cockpit, he said to curious bystanders, […]
Read MoreWhatever a man sows, that he will also reap. —Galatians 6:7 At Aristotle’s bidding, Alexander the Great took scientists with him on his Hellenistic crusade. They were to collect flora and fauna for Aristotle to analyze. “Why, if you plant an acorn in the ground, doesn’t it produce an elephant?” asked Aristotle. […]
Read MoreThey have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them. —Luke 16:29 The rich man begged Father Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers to straighten up. “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets,” Abraham said, “they will not be convinced if someone rises from the dead” […]
Read MoreThis is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” —1 John 5:4 J.D. Armstrong’s two-story home was on fire. He herded his wife and three children to the front door to make their escape. Suddenly, Todd, the youngest, ran back upstairs, unnoticed by his parents. The terrified child appeared at the window, […]
Read MoreHelp me overcome my unbelief. —Mark 9:24 There was a mixture in the heart of the father of the demon-possessed child—a hybrid of belief and unbelief. He pleaded with Jesus, “If you can do anything, take pity on us.” Jesus replied, “Everything is possible for him […]
Read MoreThen their eyes were opened and they recognized him. —Luke 24:31 Two disappointed disciples left Jerusalem and headed home. Their leader was dead. Game over. As they walked, Jesus joined them. But they didn’t recognize him. Disappointment can do that to you. It can blind you to the presence of […]
Read MoreNeither do I condemn you. —John 8:11 Do you ever wonder how Jesus feels about you when you fail and flicker? “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out” (Mt 12:20). Maybe you know how it feels to […]
Read MoreWho will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us? —Mark 16:3 Early Sunday morning, as the women made their way to the tomb to anoint the body of their crucified Lord, they realized they had a problem: an enormous stone, tall as they were, […]
Read MoreGo, tell his disciples and Peter. —Mark 16:7 Three days ago, Peter had denied his Lord—then limped away and wept. These three days must have been miserable for Peter, tormented by his cowardice and disloyalty. The shameful, sordid scene replayed endlessly in his tortured mind. Women […]
Read MoreHe saw the disciples straining at the oars. —Mark 6:48 Their boat was being tossed like a toy by vicious wind and waves. Jesus had agreed to join them, but evening came, and he was nowhere to be seen. […]
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