Joe Barnett


Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge.                         —Leviticus 19:18 Revenge and grudge-bearing is a dead-end street—and the name of the street is Misery Lane. Revenge is like biting a dog because the dog bit you. Harboring a grudge hurts no one but […]

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You shall not covet. —Exodus 20:17 Francis de Sales allegedly heard more confessions than any Catholic priest. He said that he never once heard anyone confess covetousness. We don’t confess it because we don’t think we’re guilty of it; covetousness is seldom recognized by its victim. Yet, it ranks high among human flaws. A lopsided

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If you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door.                     —Genesis 4:7 One of Norman Rockwell’s fabled illustrations pictured a genial neighborhood butcher weighing a turkey for an elegant elderly lady. The eyes of both were focused on the scale’s display.

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Barnett Post

Mark Zuckerberg, head honcho at Facebook, is seldom seen in anything other than jeans and a gray T-shirt. He says that eliminating clothing decisions simplifies his schedule and keeps him centered on priorities. You may question his sartorial taste, but you have to admire his discipline. Most successful people keep a tight focus on priorities—they

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