Joe Barnett

He Cares

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.        —Psalm 55:22 Is something troubling you or someone you love? Health gone bad? Marriage gone sour? Child gone haywire? Finances gone south? Hopes gone belly up? Whatever is bothering you isn’t a minor matter. If others think so, they’re mistaken. If […]

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Do Not Fret

Trust in the Lord.     —Psalm 37:3 “Martha, Martha,” Jesus gently chided, “you are worried and upset about many things” (Lk. 10:41). Psalm 37 opens with these words: “Do not fret.” John Wesley said, “I dare no more fret than curse.” How do you free yourself from fretting? Here is the short answer: keep

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Loshon Hora

Rabbi Chaim Feld has launched a campaign to zap loshon hora (a Hebrew term for “evil tongue”). “Loshon hora,” says Rabbi Feld, “is any talk that causes mental anguish, tarnished reputation, or the lowering of someone’s esteem in others’ eyes.” He wants to put a stop to it. Good luck with that, Rabbi—you’re declaring war

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