Joe Barnett

Your Want List

A man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.              —Luke 12:15 The self-storage buildings that dot the landscape of our hometowns would have baffled our grandparents; they couldn’t have imagined a need for them. A hundred years ago the average American had 72 “wants,” with 16 […]

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You are worried and upset about many things.                                —Luke 10:41 “Don’t worry about anything,” Paul wrote (Phil. 4:6). Some of us do the opposite—worry about everything. We worry about war, terrorism, crime, road rage, global warming; about the economy, social

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The Ultimate Sacrifice

On April 14, 2004, Marine Corporal Jason Dunham’s squadron was manning a checkpoint near the Syrian border in western Iraq when an Iraqi soldier lobbed a grenade into the unit. Dunham dived on the missile and died shielding his comrades from the explosion with his own body. Battalion commander Lt. Col. Matthew Lopez said, “Cpl.

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Face to Face

My eyes have seen your salvation.                        —Luke 2:30 Simeon was an old man. He had lived through painful shifts, seeing his world fall apart. His beloved homeland fell to foreign rule. Political corruption, brazen immorality, and distressing religious decay crushed everything decent. But Simeon

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Be Ready

Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.                —Mark 13:33 There have been self-declared prophets in every generation who have clucked that they have nailed down the exact date of the world’s end. They have all been wrong. No surprise there, for

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