Church and Home

I will come in to you and eat with you,
and you with me.
—Revelation 3:20

Jesus and a quartet of his disciples were in the synagogue, where Jesus healed a man possessed by an impure spirit.

“As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew,” where Jesus healed Peter’s ailing mother-in-law (Mk 1:29–31).

Peter and Andrew not only brought their friends James and John home with them from the synagogue service, they also brought Jesus. That’s a good example for us to follow.

You are blessed at church. Jesus promises to be with you there (Mt 18:20). You think about him. You pray in his name. You eat the bread and sup the cup. Then you head home, and the church is locked up. Don’t leave Jesus there. Invite him to go home with you.

Be blessed by his presence
in the church and in the home.

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