Come One, Come All

Don’t be afraid, just believe.
              —Mark 5:36

Two people in the large, curious crowd were especially eager to see Jesus: a man with a dying twelve-year-old daughter and a woman suffering from a twelve-year incurable disease.

The man was a well-known synagogue officer. The woman was an anonymous “nobody.” The man was well off, but his wealth could not save his dying daughter. The woman was bankrupt, having spent all her money on cures that didn’t cure.

To the man, who risked his reputation by coming to Jesus, the Lord said, “Just believe,” and he brought his daughter from death to life. To the woman, who risked shame and social censure by daring to touch his clothes, Jesus said, “Your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

Rich or poor, well-known or unknown, Jesus is the answer.

Come to Jesus.

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