Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
—Psalm 118:1
In Practicing a Weighty Gratitude, Eric Nolan related how he decided to find three things each day for which he was grateful and committed to writing them down every evening just before going to bed.
He started small. He was grateful for a good meal, a safe drive home, a healthy family.
After a few weeks, Eric said he had trouble picking just three things. His days seemed to overflow with good things. The sunrise on his way to work took on new beauty. The smell of air after a rain was pleasant. The greeting of a friend was special. As he started looking for blessings, he was overwhelmed with gratitude.
It’s a practice that might be worth a try. Can you name three things that came your way in the past twenty-four hours for which you are grateful?
Intentional gratitude enables us to
look at our world differently.