Taking the Long Look

Faith is confidence in what we hope for.
                         —Hebrews 11:1

I have friends who are going through hard times: grief, loss, health issues. I am inspired by their faith and grit in taking the long view, looking past present anxiety to future certainty. It’s a strength worth copying and cultivating.

Something that seems pleasant at the moment may later bring pain, but Christ offers forgiveness and a fresh start. Conversely, something that at present hurts terribly may eventually bring strength and victory.

When Pilate “handed [Jesus] over to be crucified,” it seemed a final and disastrous defeat. But the verdict of the future reversed the verdict of the moment; Sunday defeated Friday.

Harry Emerson Fosdick said that Nero once condemned Paul, but today, people name their sons Paul and their dogs Nero.

Trust God to turn today’s pain into tomorrow’s gain.

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