Get On the Right Page

Your word is truth.
    —John 17:17

Humorist Garrison Keillor was probably correct when he epitomized the contemporary manipulation of truth: “Sometimes you just have to look truth square in the face and deny it!”

Most of us have done it when we’ve stepped on the scales, canceled an annual physical, or made an over-the-top purchase.

But it won’t work for more significant matters. I don’t recall the issue, but I remember the man’s comment: “God and I are not on the same page on this issue.”

Whatever the issue, if I find that God and I aren’t on the same page, I’m on the wrong page.

Regardless of protestors, party politics, or law changes, looking truth square in the face and denying it doesn’t change it.

Truth isn’t always popular
but it’s always right.

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