Blessed are the merciful.
—Matthew 5:7
The king was calling an enormous debt. The debtor begged for mercy. Knowing that he would never be able to pay, the king canceled the debt.
Encountering a man who owed him a pittance, the forgiven debtor grabbed him in a chokehold and demanded immediate payment. The down-and-outer’s plea for mercy was denied, and he was dragged to debtor’s prison (Mt 18:23–35).
Could anyone be so callous as to have a note of $10,000,000 canceled and refuse to forgive a $10 debt?
We don’t have to be theologians to answer the question; we only have to look in the mirror. Haven’t we all asked God for mercy on Sunday and then treated someone shabbily on Monday—either in thought or in real time?
“Blessed are the merciful,” said Jesus, “for they will be shown mercy.”
Give mercy rather than demanding justice.