[I] will remember their sins no more.
—Hebrews 8:12
Contrast these two statements:
“Those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins” (Heb 10:3).
“Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more” (Heb 10:17).
Under the old law, there was an annual reminder of sins; under the new covenant, there is no longer remembrance of them.
“Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways,” prayed the psalmist (Ps 25:7). With Jesus’ death, God said, “I’ll do more than that; I’ll forgive and forget all your sins.
As a Christian, you claim to be living under the conditions of the new covenant. But are you? Not if you are living under the guilt of remembered sins.
Dredging up memories of past sins, fretting over them, and reliving them is a refusal to accept Jesus’ gift and God’s grace.
Your choice is between a repeated reminder
or a once-for-all removal.