Instant Communication

You will call, and the Lord will answer.
                             —Isaiah 58:9

The advent of email blew me away. I was used to posting a letter with USPS and waiting weeks for delivery and response. Now, I could post from my keyboard instantly. Amazing!

I had the same reaction to the arrival of cell phones—I could make and receive calls from anywhere with a pocket-size gadget. Amazing!

Now, I’m so accustomed to these means of communication that I don’t give them a second thought.

Think about prayer! We can communicate with God anytime—without tapping in a password or punching in a ten-digit phone number.

We’re so accustomed to it that it doesn’t seem amazing. It should. It’s breathtaking.

Actually, it’s even faster than instant. God anticipates your request before you make it: “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear” (Is 65:24).

Place the call.

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