Thank God for Unrecognized Blessings

Surely the Lord is in this place,
and I was not aware of it.
—Genesis 28:16

I’ve had very few health issues that I’m aware of. I wonder how often God has healed when I was unaware.

I’ve had very few close calls that I’m aware of. I wonder how many I’ve had of which I was unaware.

You know what I’m saying? There are blessings of which we’re aware. And many of which we’re unaware.

I once wrote this short prayer, which I pray frequently, to address my unawareness.

Thank you, Father, for the blessings you send my way:

seen and unseen,
known and unknown,
recognized and unrecognized,
acknowledged and unacknowledged.

There are blessings for which I fail to thank God because they slip by me unseen, unknown, unrecognized—therefore, unacknowledged.

Today, I give grateful thanks for the many unseen, unknown, unrecognized, and unacknowledged blessings.

Give thanks today for your unknown blessings.

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