Making Life Count

You are the salt of the earth.
            —Matthew 5:13

Albert made provisions to have his funeral in a Pub in Buffalo, New York, where he bent the elbow every night for the last twenty years of his life.

Even though Albert perched on the same barstool every night for twenty years, no one really knew him. He wasn’t a talker. Regulars nodded but didn’t say much because Albert wouldn’t respond.

Still, he must have considered this his family because he pre-planned his memorial service to take place here. He arranged with the undertaker to make it worthwhile for the Pub owner. Other than that, his entire estate went to care for his dog.

My point is not to pass judgment but only to say that life ought to count for something—and to shout out a thank you to you because yours does.

Each of us will be remembered for something.

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