Use Your Gift

We have different gifts,
according to the grace given us.
             —Romans 12:6

I was introduced to a man who climbed 500-foot transmitting towers to inspect antennas for a religious radio station in the Caribbean. When asked to speak to a group of missionaries, he refused, saying his legs turned to jelly when facing a crowd.

Personally, I’d be more comfortable speaking to 5,000 people than white-knuckling up a 500-foot tower.

One of the most generous men I’ve ever known told me that giving was all he could do. He said he couldn’t preach, teach, or pray publicly. But he could give—and he did.

That’s precisely how God arranged things: “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” Some can speak, some can write, some can serve, some can give. And none can get the job done without the help of the others.

Use what you have, where you are, while you can.

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