The Shield of Faith

Take up the shield of faith.
       —Ephesians 6:16

Heroic Bible characters don’t all look alike: some are Jews, others Gentiles; some rich, others poor; some educated, others illiterate; some men, others women. But there is one similarity; they all carry the same shield—across it is written the word “Faith.”

The reason Jeremiah was never afraid to stand alone was because he never stood alone; God stood with him. That was the reason for his extraordinary courage. “By nature and temperament he was a timid, shrinking man,” wrote one commentator. “And if this timid, sensitive man became an iron pillar there must be some explanation.” Yes, the clear explanation is Jeremiah’s uncompromised faith in God.

God told Abraham, “I am your shield, your very great reward” (Gn 15:1).

The shield of faith gives you the edge in life’s battles.

Faith always finds a break in the clouds.

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