How’s Your Hearing?

Be careful how you listen.
          —Mark 4:24

Ross Gay is a poet who teaches writing at Indiana University and does numerous public readings throughout the U.S.

Passing through airport security, the screener asked him where he was going.

“Going to Syracuse to read poems,” Ross said.

“You must be good at it for them to fly you there,” said the screener. “I don’t believe in it myself, but I know some people do.”

Ross laughed as he headed to his gate and overheard the man call out to a colleague, “Hey, Mike, that guy’s being flown to Syracuse to read palms.”

I’ve experienced significant hearing loss in recent years. There’s a good chance that people didn’t say what I thought they said.

A lot of flawed judgment comes from flawed hearing—even with those who have no hearing loss. Know what I mean?

Listen with the intent to understand.

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