Don’t Say “No” for God

Ask and it will be given to you.
             —Matthew 7:7

Jack Levin allegedly asked Sir Winston Churchill, “Why did you choose me to be your film biographer?”

“No one else asked me,” answered the prime minister.

Imagine that! Only one person asked for the privilege of filming the life story of one of the most distinguished statesmen in history.

Why didn’t others ask? Probably because they assumed the answer would be “No.” So instead of giving Sir Winston a chance to say “Yes,” they said “No” for him.

I have a feeling that the Lord has the volume cranked up, waiting to hear from you. You speak, he listens: “If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us” (1 Jn 5:14).

Don’t forfeit God’s gifts by failing to ask for them.

Give God a chance to say “Yes.”

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