Where Credit Is Due

They reported everything
God had done through them.
                 —Acts 15:4

Can you imagine scissors growing smug after a handsome haircut, a scalpel being pompous after a successful surgery, or a pen boasting about an impressive essay?

Of course not—they are only tools. So are we.

At the end of their first missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas “reported all that God had done through them”—it was God who opened the doors that led to a successful mission (Acts 14:26–27). They never considered that victory was achieved by their skill and ability. As Paul would later write, “this power is from God and not from us” (2 Cor 4:7).

We get church right when we work, not for our honor, but when we work with the understanding that we are tools in the hand of God.

Soli Deo Gloria. To God alone be glory.

Don’t take credit; give credit.

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