Practice Required

I press on toward the goal.
      —Philippians 3:14

The piano sits idle. It is full of the music of Vladimir Horowitz, Frederic Chopin, and Ludwig van Beethoven—but only from the fingers of hours of disciplined dedication. Whether you do or don’t spend hours running the scales is your decision—but if you want to bring beautiful music out of that instrument, disciplined practice is required.

The tennis racket hangs on the wall. Whether you do or don’t spend hours on the court is your decision—but if you want to play like Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, or Serena Williams, disciplined practice is required.

The Bible sits on the shelf. Whether you do or don’t spend time perusing its contents and practicing its principles is your decision—but if you want to grow spiritually, disciplined attention is required.

Practice may not make perfect.
But perfection doesn’t come without practice.

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