Your Cup of Cold Water

I was thirsty and you
gave me something to drink.
        —Matthew 25:35

Discipleship isn’t a big, flashy production. It’s played out in little things, thoughtful things, loving things—a note, a phone call, doing lunch with someone who needs to talk and a non-judgmental friend to listen.

It’s found in simple Bible phrases: “Encourage one another,” “Be kind to one another,” “Build each other up.” As Edith Lindeman’s song has it:

Give me a hand when I’ve lost the way
Give me your shoulder to cry on

Whether the day is bright or gray

Give me your heart to rely on


“Those who give one of these little ones a cup of cold water because they are my followers will truly get their reward” (Mt 10:42).


So, what is the cup of cold water that you will give today? To whom will you give it?


It may be something small but do something.

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