Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
—Matthew 5:9
Some repairs can be made with needle and thread. Some repairs can be made with hammer and saw. And some repairs can only be made with friendly smiles, tactful words, and compassionate hearts.
But far better than repairing damage is to prevent it. The ideal peacemaker is the person who prevents the peace from being shattered.
We are called “to live in peace,” to “seek peace and pursue it,” and “as far as it depends on [us] live at peace with everyone” (1 Cor 7:15; 1 Pt 3:11; Rom 12:18).
In this beatitude, Jesus said peacemakers “will be called children of God.” Not they will become children of God—they are that already—but they will be called children of God. The world will see the family resemblance—they look like their Father.
Always be a peacemaker—never an agitator.