God so loved the world that he
gave his one and only Son.
—John 3:16
Has someone written you off as hopeless? Insignificant? Useless? Don’t listen to them. They’re wrong.
Wait! I’m not through.
Have you done the same thing—written yourself off as hopeless? Insignificant? Useless? Don’t listen to that voice either. You’re wrong.
God valued and loved you so much that he thought you were worth sending his Son to search for you and save you.
Jesus valued and loved you so much that he thought you were worth coming for and dying for.
With those two heavenly voices for you, don’t listen to earthly voices who trash you—even if that who is you. If heaven thought you were worth coming for and dying for, you weigh in as valuable, significant, and important—and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. By others. And by yourself.
You were worth coming for and
dying for. Put that on your Résumé.