The kingdom of God
belongs to such as these.
—Luke 18:16
New Testament scholar William Hendriksen, penned his longing for the faith of his childhood poetically . . .
Make me, O Lord, a child again,
So tender, frail, and small,
In self possessing nothing, and
In thee possessing all.
O Savior, make me small once more,
That downward I may grow,
And in this heart of mine restore
The faith of long ago.
With thee may I be crucified—
No longer I that lives—
O Savior, crush my sinful pride
By grace which pardon gives.
Make me, O Lord, a child again,
Obedient to thy call,
In self possessing nothing, and
In thee possessing all.
As life advances, our faith is challenged, not by the language in our ears but by the language of our circumstances.
Dear God, may our faith not be derailed by our circumstances.
Difficulties are finite.
Faith is infinite.