Moses my servant is dead.
—Joshua 1:2
This essay isn’t a treatise about what happens to you when you take your last breath; it’s about who’s going to do all the stuff you’ve been doing when you’re not here to do it anymore.
A before-dawn-till-after-dark schedule is evidence of importance, right? The busier you are, the more important people think you are: if it’s going to get done, you’re the one who has to do it.
Believe it or not, everything doesn’t depend on you—and there’s nothing heroic about a filled-to-the-brim agenda.
The epitaph on John Wesley’s London grave is long. Allegedly, there was also a small plaque there once with this short Wesley quote: “God buries his workmen, but his work goes on.”
There are a lot of “indispensable” people in the cemetery. But the world goes on.
A bleeding ulcer isn’t a badge of importance.