Help me overcome my unbelief.
—Mark 9:24
There was a mixture in the heart of the father of the demon-possessed child—a hybrid of belief and unbelief.
He pleaded with Jesus, “If you can do anything, take pity on us.” Jesus replied, “Everything is possible for him who believes.” “I do believe,” said the father; “help me overcome my unbelief!”
And there you have it: belief and unbelief, saint and skeptic, living in the same skin.
Are you struggling with the same mixed bag? Believing, but not entirely? Trusting, but not totally?
A leper said to Jesus, “If you will, you can make me clean.” Jesus said, “I will.” The best the distraught father could manage was, “If you can, help us.”
To the leper, Jesus said, “I will.” To the father, he said, “I can.”
To you, he says, “I can, and I will.”
Faith brings victory where defeat seems certain.