A Compass You Can Trust

I trust in your word.
   —Psalm 119:42

At 5 a.m. on July 17, 1938, Douglas Corrigan lifted off in a beat-up plane in New York City, destined for Los Angeles on a nonstop solo flight across America. Twenty-eight hours later, he landed—in Dublin, Ireland.

Crawling out of his cockpit, he said to curious bystanders, “I’m Douglas Corrigan. Came from New York, headed to Los Angeles. Where am I?”

Dubbed for the rest of his life as “Wrong Way Corrigan,” he blamed his hiatus on a faulty compass.

I can’t imagine anything worse than coming to the end of life’s journey, having gone the wrong way.

God’s Word is your compass to lead you unerringly to the right destination.

Four times in Psalm 119, the psalmist said, “I have put my hope in your word” (vv. 74, 81, 114, 147).

Your Bible will land you at the right spiritual destination.

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