Your Father’s Love

See what great love the Father has lavished on us
                                        —1 John 3:1

When your child is ostracized, hurt, or defeated, what do you do? Say grow up, stop being a wimp, get a grip?

Not in a million years! You embrace them. Tend the wound. Let them know that you’re there for them.

You will do whatever it takes to comfort your child. So why are you reluctant to let your heavenly Father comfort you?

Why do you think he’s too busy to be interested in you?

Why do you think he’s tired of listening to you?

Why do you think he pulls out his list when you ask for forgiveness and says, “Don’t you think you’ve gone to the well too many times on this one?”

Why won’t you let your Father do for you what you are more than willing to do for your child?

Your Father’s love is
immeasurable and inexhaustible.

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