It is by grace you have been saved.
—Ephesians 2:8
T.C. was driving a long stretch of Texas country road late at night. He had the road all to himself—until red strobe lights told him he didn’t. “I clocked you at 87,” said the officer. T.C. argued. “The law is the law,” said the officer. “I’m not asking for justice,” pleaded T.C., I’m asking for mercy.” The officer didn’t give it to him.
But God does. “It is by grace you have been saved . . . it is the gift of God” (Eph 2:8).
All other religions are performance-based—Barter religions: You do this, and God will give you this in exchange.
The result is either arrogance or fear. Arrogance if you think you’ve achieved it, fear if you’re afraid you haven’t.
In God’s system, you don’t earn salvation; by faith, you just accept it.
Grace can’t be earned.
If it could be, it wouldn’t be grace.