You Will Be Remembered for Something

The memory of the righteous is a blessing.
                              —Proverbs 10:7

John the Baptist had been dead for two years, but his influence lived on. No one could cite any miracle he performed, for he didn’t perform any. But his words were remembered. John 10:41 says, “Though John never performed a miraculous sign, all that John said about this man [Jesus] was true.” John’s whole life was a message about Jesus. People remembered that.

We look at the past in grateful remembrance of someone who influenced us: a parent, teacher, or friend. Perhaps they are now gone and forgotten by most. But not forgotten by us, for by their words and life, they introduced us to Jesus. We won’t forget that.

It won’t be long until you and I are gone. We may not be remembered for any outstanding achievement, but we will be remembered for something by someone.

You will be remembered for something.
What will it be?

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