You Are Important

I saw the dead, great and small,
standing before the throne.
     —Revelation 20:12

What’s the name of the kid who shared his lunch, from which Jesus fed a multitude?

What’s the name of the guy who loaned his donkey to Jesus for his last ride into Jerusalem?

What are the names of those who saved Paul’s life by orchestrating his escape from Damascus?

All unknown.

As I think about places where I’ve worshipped, many dear people come to mind, most of whom were unknown outside our small circle. They served unselfishly and encouraged greatly. They neither sought nor received recognition, but their day is coming. The New Living Bible says, “Many who seem to be important now will be the least important then, and those who are considered least here will be the greatest there” (Mt 19:30).

You don’t have to be known well to serve well.

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