
If we have food and clothing,
we will be content with that.
          —1 Timothy 6:8

In my neck of the woods, many voters rate crime as the number one issue that concerns them.

Even if we could afford it, most of us would be reluctant to own a watch that’s so expensive someone would cut off our hand to get it.

Publicizing a ski trip to Aspen used to be the stuff of society pages. Now, it’s an invitation to crooks to rob your house while you’re away.

That’s not all bad because it causes us to reassess what it takes to make us happy and content. Good family. Good health. Good friends. A roof over our head. Adequate clothing. Enough to eat.

Helping others ranks right up there, too. You do a lot of that. Kudos to you!

Contentment depends more on the
size of your wants than on the size of your wallet.

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